Eili oil is manufactured using the highest quality fully synthetic base oils with suitable additive technology, to ensure a product with an outstanding performance. Ultra-low viscosity designed for greater engine response and fuel efficiency. It is excellently suited for use in modern light running, low emission engines with tight tolerances. Eili oil is designed to provide optimum performance in high-output gasoline (including turbocharged and supercharged) engines in passenger cars, vans, sports utility vehicles, and light trucks. The new technology incorporated in this latest generation lubricants enables it to exceed manufactures' performance requirements.
Quality Level:
API SN, SN/CF, SM, SL, SJ, and all previous API "S" categories, ILSAC GF-5; ACEA A5/B5; Chrysler 6395; GM 6094M, 4718M; Ford WSS M2c946-A, M2C929-A; Honda HTO.
Eili Oil Motor Oils with high protection Technology are suitable for use in four-stroke gasoline engines used in passenger cars, light trucks powerboats, motorcycles, and other mobile and stationary equipment.
Typical Properties:
*C & B: Clear & Bright
*The information on this product Datasheet is believed to be accurate and is typical of current production. Specifications are subject to change without notice. For additional queries, please contact Eili Technical Service Department. Health and Safety Information: Safety Data Sheets available on request.
Availablity in :
Cartons : 12x1 L, 24x1 L, 6x5 L
Pails: 20 L & 25 L
Drums: 200 L, 208 L
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